Revisiting the Word “Pain”
“Think of labor as an interesting sensation that requires
all of your attention.” - Ina May Gaskin
Labor offers a unique opportunity to experience your body’s highest levels of oxytocin (a feel good and bonding hormone) it will ever produce! When the right environment is cultivated, labor is a meditative, transcendent experience. It can be a truly awesome and spiritual experience to fully surrender to the process, to go into the unknown full of wonder and curiosity and emerge out the other side a fuller, deeper person.Think about when you are in a very intimate setting about to have sex.
The hormones start working their magic. Inhibitions are let go of and you “lose yourself.” You have tapped into the primitive side of the brain. The instinctual, feeling, NON thinking part of the mind. This is the same state of mind you want to re create when in labor.
You want that primitive side to come out from hiding and the logical, thinking part of the brain to recede into the background.. When this part of the labor happens, mom’s typically go from sentences and jokes to one word answers and not a lot of talking. Encourage and nurture this state of mind.
“Think of labor as an interesting sensation that requires all of your attention.” - Ina May Gaskin